Digital Transformation to Accelerate Your Business

Chatbot Solutions

IT Service Management

Bring AI capability to your service management software to help you provide immediate employee support.

Maximize the potential of your ITSM

Maximize ROI by utilizing your ITSM to its best capacity in order to accelerate innovation.

build more intelligent enterprise portals.

Without involving the IT staff, intercept, classify, and prioritize help queries. Bring all of Technomigrate' AI's advantages straight to ServiceNow or other ITSMs.


automatically assist your staff.

Integrate ITSM seamlessly to automate the entire ticket resolution process. As a result, your agents are free to handle personnel issues without involving your ITSM.


AI can transform your ITSM.

Keep ITSM cleanup and maintenance to a minimum. Without the assistance of a team of machine learning specialists, our AI enables ITSM architects and developers to create new workflows.


Technomigrate Chatbot Solutions

IT Service Desks

Improve your processes

Never again troubleshoot a malfunctioning workflow. The AI platform from Technomigrate intelligently and automatically resolves tickets or routes them to the appropriate staff member on your service desk. 
  • Instantly resolve tickets or simplify the transfer of complex issues
  • Automate requests and approvals to expedite the process.

Increase the depth of your knowledge

In order to decide which articles to write next, you must first identify your knowledge gaps. Technomigrate automatically ingests new articles as soon as they are published, ensuring that your staff only sees the most recent content. Our AI-powered chatbot surfaces the most pertinent response when an employee asks a question, right in your corporate chat or online portal.

The ideal administration of data

Since there are already a lot of requests for your help desk, processing tickets shouldn’t take long. Our AI technology makes sure that work notes are added automatically and that tickets are accurately categorized. Therefore, your data remains accurate and your agents continue to concentrate on resolving problems.

We’re here to help to grow your business.

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